Wada Gallery

Wada Burkina Faso Hub

Blockchain and its opportunities for Africa

On July 30, Inkuba held conference which was held at the conference hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Burkina / Haut-Bassins for the benefit of young people.

Wada Burkina Faso Hub

Inauguration of Wada Burkina Faso Hub

Wada opened a hub in Burkina Faso to acts as a Center of Excellence where Young people can learn Blockchain related topics and also get internet access for their project works. The Hub was named Inkuba

Ghana Youth Onboarding

Workshop with Accra Training Technical College

Organize outreach programs to safely onboard more youth with ideas. Two months’ Workshop on Cardano blockchain Project Catalyst proposals.

Wada Tamale Hub

Blockchain Conference, Tamale

Wada Ghana organized a one day conference about Cardano Blockchain Technology to educate University Students in the remote areas of Ghana.

Wada Accra Hub

Blockchain Workshop in Accra, Ghana

The Accra Office Organized a Workshop to educate the Youth on Blockchain and it use cases and the process of getting a wallet.

Wada Global

The Cardano Summit

The Cardano Summit was organized in hybrid; Physical and virtual. It was a Wada Global event. the aim of this summit was to discuss the future of Blockchain and how it can be used in transforming Africa.

Wada Goma Hub

Cardano Summit Goma

The Cardano Summit is a global event hosted in more than 18 countries. 

Wada Kinshasa Hub

Cardano Blockchain Workshop - Kinshasa, DRC

The Kinshasa hub Organized a Workshop to educate the Youth on Blockchain and a training on how to keep yourself up to date as a developer.