Wada In Action -August 2022 Edition
Josh F
August 22, 2022

The main driver of our 2022 success to date has been our Planting Roots in Africa project, which received Catalyst funding in Fund 6. This project enabled:
Shoring up our existing hubs in Ghana, Cameroon, DRC, Nigeria, and Cote D’ivoire
Starting emerging hubs in Ghana (second hub), Senegal, Burkina Faso & Gambia
We got ONE big family
Our global, country hubs, collaborative and individual member projects have enabled us to reach in excess of 10k individuals, students, entrepreneurs and developers.
We completed and closed out 7 of our project catalyst work. We will bring you more details in future editions of our newsletter.
We completed and closed out 7 of our project catalyst work. We will bring you more details in future editions of our newsletter.
Our two main challenges at this point are how we retain the people we are onboarding into the blockchain and Cardano community and how we streamline our onboarding process at the hub level. We aim to address these challenges in our Fund9 Project Catalyst proposals.

Hub Monthlies meeting starting and hosted by:
Ghana – August,
Cameroon – October,
DRC Goma – November
Wada Quarterly in September
CatalystCon in December
(Hub Monthlies is our major get together event for our community; please don’t miss)
Wada Ghana Hub:
The Africa Catalyst School was launched successfully in June and so far we have had 5 classes which are held every Tuesday at 17.UTC. Classes have centred on blockchain and its opportunities, Cardano Project Catalyst and how to become a Proposal Assessor. It was launched with 41 people on day 1 and this number keeps increasing.

The Ghana Hub in collaboration with Swarm, established the Catalyst Africa Town Hall. Meetings are ongoing biweekly with introduction of language breakout rooms - Arabic, Swahili, French and English.

Theatre For Change
Theatre For Change was a Project Catalyst funded proposal; an alternative method of learning using sound, motions and gestures to communicate a message to a target audience. The Project has so far had a significant impact on students and made disseminating blockchain information easier for the students to understand, process and retain. Follow this link to our YouTube channel.

Cardano Recycling Dapp
The Cardano Recycling Dapp project started implementation successfully on 29th May, 2022 and work has been steadily ongoing since. Please find more updates, here’s a link to the project website.

Center for Coin Liberty
The establishment of the Center for Coin Liberty was successful with a launch on 16th June 2022 at the Christ The King Parish Hall in Ghana. The launch was graced by the award-winning Professor in Leadership and Management at Viterbo University, Prof Enoch Antwi, and Dr. Richmond Abbey, Governance and Security Analyst in Ghana and the founding member of the IMANI Africa, Mr. Selorm Branttie. The event had several media mentions from The Finder Newspaper, The Republic Press, Ghanaweb, MynewsGhana, Rainbowradioonline to mention a few. The Center for Coin Liberty is committed to blockchain policy research and advocacy in Ghana and Africa at large.

Wada Cameroon Hub:
Wada Hub DITC Cameroon:
We have launched Haskell training courses and have + interns learning Haskell with us!
First campaign of Haskell training 5 hired interns
Second phase 14 hired interns started August 1
Virtual Hackathon successfully completed with significant increase in attendance 28+ attendees
Project specific updates:
NFTrees ongoing work capturing and finalizing rare and essential species in Bertoua Ufulu Panafrican Library & Cultural Conference: The importance of Names and their meaning in the African Culture (will be available on our YouTube soon)

Wada Burkina Hub:
Wada Hub Inkuba Burkina Hub: 16th June 2022 – New member onboarding/Scale up Cardano hubs
A Zoom meeting was held to present the project Catalyst as participants learned how to submit a proposal and how to became a Proposal Assessor(then Community Advisor)

Catalyst Updates
Voting on Fund9 Project Catalyst will be kicking off on or about Aug 11 2022. With voting results in September. Please look out for our list of proposals.
Cardano Updates
Wada is eagerly anticipating the Cardano Summit 2022. We played a significant role in 2021 and will be expecting to do even more!!! Watch this space

Please see our gallery for more details of our activities!
Feel Free To Contact Us
Wada plan to collaborate with trusted local and international electronic and print media outlets to inform the public about decentralized applications to accelerate adoption.
- hello@wada.org